Main Lodge
October 5, 2023
Kate Ryan Building
October 5, 2023

Crows Landing Building

Upper level rooms | 456 – 459
Ground level rooms | 465 – 468


Originally a warehouse-style shop, this building became part of the accommodation we are pleased to be able to provide for our guests. After the death of the owner Rick Olson, (known as “Crow” to his friends) and after his estate was settled, we purchased the building and it was named in honour of him. The two boats on the east side of the building had been used by Crow in the harbour for booming logs. The boats were given to Frank, the Inn’s owner, who likes to tell people that the last tsunami left them here. Don’t believe him!! All rooms have private bath,WIFI, a small fridge, coffee/tea maker, microwave and TV.
Rooms with 2 beds may have a 3rd person (add $10) and a 4th person (add $10).

See other rooms

Main Lodge
Upper level rooms | 301 – 307
Ground level rooms | 308 – 311
Crows Landing Building
Upper level rooms | 456 – 459
Ground level rooms | 465 – 468


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Air conditioner

Ante suscipit accumsan pellentesque nibh nulla fames hendrerit venenatis. Auctor consectetur gravida mus placerat magnis lobortis nibh risus. Primis nisl nec class consectetuer donec litora torquent tortor leo maximus habitasse. Primis montes urna sociosqu.


Ante suscipit accumsan pellentesque nibh nulla fames hendrerit venenatis. Auctor consectetur gravida mus placerat magnis lobortis nibh risus. Primis nisl nec class consectetuer donec litora torquent tortor leo maximus habitasse. Primis montes urna sociosqu.


Ante suscipit accumsan pellentesque nibh nulla fames hendrerit venenatis. Auctor consectetur gravida mus placerat magnis lobortis nibh risus. Primis nisl nec class consectetuer donec litora torquent tortor leo maximus habitasse. Primis montes urna sociosqu.


Ante suscipit accumsan pellentesque nibh nulla fames hendrerit venenatis. Auctor consectetur gravida mus placerat magnis lobortis nibh risus. Primis nisl nec class consectetuer donec litora torquent tortor leo maximus habitasse. Primis montes urna sociosqu.

Bell Ring

Ante suscipit accumsan pellentesque nibh nulla fames hendrerit venenatis. Auctor consectetur gravida mus placerat magnis lobortis nibh risus. Primis nisl nec class consectetuer donec litora torquent tortor leo maximus habitasse. Primis montes urna sociosqu.
Crows Landing Building
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