Crows Landing Building
October 5, 2023
Peterson House: The Old Brothel
October 5, 2023

Kate Ryan Building

Upper level rooms | 221 – 224
Ground level room | 417 – 419


This building was built for one of Canada’s most remarkable pioneer women, Kate Ryan. In an era when women were to be in the home, Kate followed the gold rush to the Klondike, ran a restaurant, was the first woman with the RCMP helping with female prisoners. Semi-retired in Stewart, she rented out this storefront to businesses, and became the first female gold commissioner. Originally located on 4th Avenue which was the town’s commercial centre, the building was moved in the 1920s to its current location.
All rooms have a private bathroom, small fridge, microwave, coffee/tea maker, free wifi and TV. All upper-level rooms have a kitchenette.

See other rooms

Main Lodge
Upper level rooms | 301 – 307
Ground level rooms | 308 – 311
Crows Landing Building
Upper level rooms | 456 – 459
Ground level rooms | 465 – 468


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Air conditioner

Ante suscipit accumsan pellentesque nibh nulla fames hendrerit venenatis. Auctor consectetur gravida mus placerat magnis lobortis nibh risus. Primis nisl nec class consectetuer donec litora torquent tortor leo maximus habitasse. Primis montes urna sociosqu.


Ante suscipit accumsan pellentesque nibh nulla fames hendrerit venenatis. Auctor consectetur gravida mus placerat magnis lobortis nibh risus. Primis nisl nec class consectetuer donec litora torquent tortor leo maximus habitasse. Primis montes urna sociosqu.


Ante suscipit accumsan pellentesque nibh nulla fames hendrerit venenatis. Auctor consectetur gravida mus placerat magnis lobortis nibh risus. Primis nisl nec class consectetuer donec litora torquent tortor leo maximus habitasse. Primis montes urna sociosqu.


Ante suscipit accumsan pellentesque nibh nulla fames hendrerit venenatis. Auctor consectetur gravida mus placerat magnis lobortis nibh risus. Primis nisl nec class consectetuer donec litora torquent tortor leo maximus habitasse. Primis montes urna sociosqu.

Bell Ring

Ante suscipit accumsan pellentesque nibh nulla fames hendrerit venenatis. Auctor consectetur gravida mus placerat magnis lobortis nibh risus. Primis nisl nec class consectetuer donec litora torquent tortor leo maximus habitasse. Primis montes urna sociosqu.
Kate Ryan Building
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